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How long does it take the irs to cash my check 2025 Form: What You Should Know

How To Buy and Sell a Mobile Home in California? Buying your Mobile Home As of Jan 19, 2016, the law requires all Mobile Home Dealers to conduct an inspection of their Mobile Home sales before closing. You can find that form here. Before you actually buy the property, ensure that you haveĀ  an independent inspection. If you are unsure which inspection to obtain, contact theĀ California Division of Real Estate. They can give you an estimate. Ā In addition, if you are in substantial possession of your Mobile Home, you may not own it without first acquiring legal possession. Step 1: Negotiate the Terms You must pay for both the inspection and the closing at the same time; you cannot separate the cost of the inspection and the closing if both are done at the same time or pay them separately. (California Civil Code section 3740.) To avoid getting charged for both, negotiate the prices. For an inspection, the first payment is due 30 days before the contract closes. As a general rule though, the inspector will not provide a closing quote until you pay the first payment and give notice to them at least 30 days in advance of the date of the closing. In addition, Mobile Home Dealers will typically make multiple payments on this contract, which can add up quickly. Step 2: Buyer's Inspection The inspector will come to your home and inspect it and offer you information on the property's condition and to determine if your rights will be violated if you do not sign the agreement. You can sign the seller agreement, but it's recommended that you see the inspector first. If you have problems with the inspector (for example if they do not provide you with the full extent of their findings at the inspection), you should consider contacting the State of California's Consumer Protection Division (CPD) for further assistance. AsĀ CPD advises, if at the conclusion of the inspector's inspection you refuse to sign the agreement you should not be charged again for the inspection at the conclusion of the closing. You can find theirĀ Website and find their telephone number at. Step 3: Agree to a Closing Date Mobile homes are usually sold at a set closing price, usually at the sale date and at the final inspection. But a mobile home contract can specify that it will close no more than 30 days after closing.

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